Complaints Process
Complaints Process
1. Complaints should be made in writing and addressed in the first instance to: Grant Lynch (Principal Officer) Unlimited Potential Limited, PO Box 28848, Remuera 1541 grant@uprealestate.co.nz
2. Should the complaint relate to rentals or property management, please contact Will Alexander on 021 66 1234
3. We will respond within 5 working days.
4. If we can’t resolve your complaint together Unlimited Potential agrees to refer your complaint to a mutually agreed independent mediator.
5. You may choose to take your complaint to the Real Estate Agents Authority without first utilising Unlimited Potential’s in-house complaints process described above. Even if you choose to use Unlimited Potential’s process you can still make a complaint to the Authority at any time.
UNLIMITED POTENTIAL LIMITED’S IN-HOUSE COMPLAINTS PROCESS (Real Estate Agents Act 2008 – Professional Conduct & Client Care Rules 2012)